Johannes Haushofer und Assistant Professor Person-Info 

( Ich bin Johannes Haushofer)
(1 - 19 von 21
) Lebenslauf: Professor an Elite-Uni veröffentlicht seine Misserfolge -...

Johannes Haushofer ist 36 Jahre alt – und schon Assistant Professor für Psychology und Public Affairs an der Elite-Universität Princeton. Vorher…

Ivy League professor shares his resume of failures in support of others
Johannes Haushofer is an assistant professor in the department of Psychology and Public Affairs Science & Tech ... [Johannes Haushofer shared his “CV of failures” to make others feel better] Get a free home quote!

UCLA Luskin | PPASS Seminar: Johannes Haushofer
Johannes Haushofer Assistant Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs, Princeton University Happier, Not Healthier: A Randomized Experiment on Health…