John Fahey und Guitar Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Fahey)
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[ (blog)] - Releasing his first solo album 'The Seven Sleepers Den' in 2006, expect a mix of traditional Welsh folk, psych-pop and John Fahey-esque guitar picking as

Guardian: John Fahey: the guitarist who was too mysterious for the world | › music › nov › john-fahey-...

John Fahey remained an explorer and an iconoclast to the end, even publishing a few volumes of semi-autobiographical writings, including the ...Dauer: 3:08Gepostet:

Album: Jack Rose, Luck in the Valley (Thrill Jockey) | The Independent
Luck In The Valley will be a treat for those who hanker after the entrancing webs of guitar spun by the likes of John Fahey and Robbie Basho.

In Search of Blind Joe Death - The Saga of John Fahey - Summerhall -...
In Search of Blind Joe Death – The Saga of John Fahey. Presented by Braw Gigs and Summerhall. Wed 20 Feb pm. "The folk guitar equivalent of William ...