John Lutheran Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Lutheran)


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Legacy of historic St. John Lutheran will live on in other places
Pieces from St. John Lutheran Church will be used at several other places, including a static display at the Wayne County Historical Museum.

St. John Lutheran Church - - Live Lincoln › business › st-joh...
St. John Lutheran Church. By admin. St. John was founded in and continues to serve the community with Pastor ... Lincoln County Historical Museum.

St. John Lutheran Church Fish Fry | › event › st-john-lutheran-church...
St. John Lutheran Church, 207 E. High St., Edgerton, will host a fish fry on Friday, April 26, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. The menu includes: Baked or ...

Dr. Klaus-Werner Raab wurde in Balve konfirmiert und ist heute...
Heute lebt der gebürtige Erkelenzer, der seine ersten Lebensjahre am Baumberg verbrachte, in Iowa, wo er die St. John Lutheran Church leitet. Hier hat Raab ...
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