John McTiernan Person-Info 

( Ich bin John McTiernan)


(1 - 4 von 61
) Fear and Loathing in LA: Bugging Scandal Reveals Hollywood's Paranoia...

A court handed down a one-year prison sentence to Hollywood director John McTiernan for having his producer's phone tapped and then lying about it to the FBI....

Taz: Die Bremer Kinotaz alle Filme, alle Termine - › Archiv

(epd-Film) UT-Kinocenter, Ufa-Stern ... (Bremer) UT-Kino und Ufa-Stern ... Stirb Langsam: Jetzt erst recht USA 1995, R: John McTiernan, D: Bruce Willis, Jeremy​ ...

TV/movie stars with ties to the Capital Region - Times Union
TV/movie stars with ties to the Capital Region. April 13, Filmmaker John McTiernan directed the famous action film,. Georges Biard /

Die Hard director John McTiernan released from jail - BBC News
Die Hard and Predator director John McTiernan is released from federal prison in South Dakota after being convicted of lying to the FBI in
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