John Van Der Voort Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Van Der Voort)


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Alarm always showing false | Zipato support › topic › alarm-always-show...
Thanks, i got it! Now it is showing the good status. photo. John van der Voort. 6 years ago. Reply. I would like to see instead of "false" ( ARMED or DISARMED).

Region Koblenz: Ferienpark-Projekt in Zell nimmt rechtliche Hü › td-morning-news › region-koblenz-ferienp...
Das vom niederländischen Investor John van der Voort im rheinland-pfälzischen Zell (Landkreis Cochem-Zell) geplante Ferienpark-Projekt kann realisiert ...

Lethbridge teen leaves legacy half a world away - Lethbridge |...
Kaitlin Boyda was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor at age 16, but she had a unique wish.

Rule with astro that works | Zipato support center
John van der Voort. 5 years ago. Reply. The picture shows a very simpel rule that sends a message every day at sunrise. astro2.jpg. photo. John van der Voort.
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