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Midnight robbers strike at hospital | News OK

British join fest LANGLEY More than 25 bands from eight states will join a British singing group at this year's ninth annual Bluegrass and Gospel Festival June 30 to July 3 at Powder Horn Park. The four-day festival will be highlighted by performances from the English group Rainey City Bluegrass.

Record Number of Craft Breweries Join Fest of Ale - TOTA Regional ...

The Okanagan Fest of Ale is still over a month away, but already it is shaping up to be a great year with record number of craft brewers and cider makers.

CBS News REPORT: Under Secretary Patrick Kennedy decided NOT ...

Those officials expressed the same limited view of FEST's capabilities when CBS News asked on Nov. 1, why FEST hadn't deployed. The officials argued that FEST teams were “used in the past to re-establish infrastructure, communications , etc. after a devastating attack…That wasn't the need here.”.

Fest für Jesus - Goodnews-Wien: Fürchtet euch nicht! Öffnet die Tore ...

Heute sitzt er im Rollstuhl, aber wenn er predigt, vergisst er alles Leid und hilft, unterschiedlichste Lebenssituationen vom Glauben her anzusehen. Viele haben durch ihn die Barmherzigkeit Gottes neu erfahren. (P. James predigt in englischer Sprache und wird ins Deutsche übersetzt). Why Fest für Jesus?
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