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) Leaving Jihad behind

[] to move to Syria and join the jihad. And it is the story of the 45-year-old Leipzig imam Hesham Shashaa, called … The Business of the Caliph

[] his son had gone to Syria to join the "holy war". He attempted to contact Jejoen by text message to persuade him to return home, but by then, he had already joined up with the Islamist group Shura Council of the Mujahedeen … Die Moderne kommt per Kaiserschnitt zur Welt

[] "You can only run away and join the circus if the circus wants you. " Du kannst nur zum Zirkus weglaufen, wenn der Zirkus dich auch will … The Ghost Marriage

[] way a dead family member can join the rest of the family for the meal. At the same time, however, many fear the return of the dead. If bad luck or illness suddenly strikes a family, one might conclude that the ghost of a dead person …
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Sasha Grey
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