Jonathan Klein und Ceo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jonathan Klein)
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Oldies: Jon Stewart liest Journalisten die Leviten | Basic Thinking
Robert Basic  When asked about the cancellations, CNN's incoming CEO, Jonathan Klein, stated that although he made the decision six months before Stewart's appearance, he “wholeheartedly agrees” with Stewart's “overall premise.” ...

Fontblog - Getty kauft iStockphoto | Aktuell | Fontblog
Jonathan Klein, Getty Images' co-founder and CEO, had this to say about the acquisition. "We have pioneered most of the important developments in the imagery ...

Jonathan Klein steps down - moves to Chairman - next Getty Images CEO...
Jonathan Klein steps down – moves to Chairman – next Getty Images CEO 'will be an external hire'. Will Carleton. March 13, Updated: 20 Sept

HORIZONT.NET: Getty Images schluckt Wettbewerber
Kunden beider Unternehmen werden von dem Zusammenschluss profitieren", so Jonathan Klein, Mitbegründer und CEO bei Getty Images. Getty Images versorgt Kreative und Medienfachleute in mehr als 100 Ländern mit Fotos, Filmmaterial und ...