Julia Domna Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julia Domna)


Julia Domna was the second wife of the Roman Emperor Septimus...

Julia Domna was the second wife of the Roman emperor Septimus Severus and was a member of the Severan dynasty of the Roman Empire. She was respected for

Septimius Severus, für Julia Domna. Æ-SesterzRom;...

Gold- und Münzauktionen in Osnabrück und Berlin! Nehmen Sie an unseren Auktionen teil und sichern Sie sich Ihre Lieblingsmünzen.

Julia Domna, The Syrian Empress Of Rome - NOW Magazine

The Festival of Arabic Music and Arts presents Enana Dance Theatre's show about an Arab princess and a Roman emperor.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Julia Domna
Vorname "Julia" (57097)
Name "Domna" (1)
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