Julia Metag und Communication Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julia Metag)
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Programm - tu-braunschweig.de

User Segments of Science Communication Under the Magnifying Glass: Eine Smartphone-gestützte, qualitative Vertiefungsstudie zum «Wissenschaftsbarometer Schweiz» (Carmen Koch, Iris Herrmann-Giovanelli, Mirco Saner, Mike S. Schäfer & Julia Metag) 15:30-16:00 Verabschiedung durch die Tagungsorganisatorin Monika Taddicken,

Why Do Candidates Use Online Media in Constituency Campaigns? An...

Abstract ECPR Joint Sessions Authors: Frank Marcinkowski & Julia Metag, Department of Communication, University of Muenster Contact: ; . Theoretical Background Surveys and interviews reveal that politicians believe that online media will change ...