Karl Wolff und Hitler Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karl Wolff)
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Spiegel.de: Uups! - et orbi: Pius XII. - eine unselige Geschichte

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Panorama] - Vor 50 Jahren segnete Eugenio Pacelli alias Pius XII. das Zeitliche - und sorgt immer noch für Kontroversen. Der Papst, der Hitler per Fernexorzismus vom Teufel zu befreien versuchte, wird wohl bald selig gesprochen - was mancherorts für Empörung sorgt. 

World: Bureaucrat of Death - Videos Index on TIME.comcontent.time.com › time › magazine › article

To Hitler, Lieut. General Karl Wolff was the very model of the Aryan SS general. To Himmler, his immediate superior, he was affectionately known as "Wolfie.

Guardian: Hitler plot to kidnap the pope revealed | World news | The Guardian

Weeks before Nazi troops abandoned Rome, Adolf Hitler personally ordered the SS to kidnap the then pope so he could be brought back to Germany and locked up in...

How a Nazi's infatuation with a blonde TV girl unlocked Hitler's...

Picture the scene. It is and Laurence Olivier has just finished recording the introduction to the first of 26 episodes of The World At War.