Kelly Carter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kelly Carter)


(1 - 4 von 49
) US-Vorwahlen der Republikaner: Superreiche Spender befeuern Schlammschlacht

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - In New Hampshire hat er gesiegt, nun rückt für Mitt Romney die Präsidentschaftskandidatur der Republikaner immer näher. Nächster Schauplatz der Vorwahlen ist South Carolina. Dort droht eine beispiellose Schmutzkampagne - finanziert von schwerreichen Hintermännern. 

Google News: Traveling with the Stars

[USA Today] - Q: Can you offer an insider tip or recommendation for your favorite vacation place? A: This sounds so lame but I like staycations. Because I'm gone so much

Kelly McParland: Jimmy Carter to Stephen Harper - 'Ah could use ...
[National Post] - Let me amend that -- the governments of Jean Chretien and Paul Martin actually made considerable effort to limit expenditures and tame their deficits -- at

Google News: Traveling with the Stars: Jordana Spiro

[USA Today] - This artist named Edward James was a big fan of surrealism and I think was a big benefactor to Salvador Dalí as well. He decided that he wanted this almost
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