Kim Chang Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kim Chang)


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Drum-like objects detected in probe for Agent Orange
[AsiaOne] - Through three-method study ? magnetic radar, ground-penetrating radar and electrical resistivity survey ? they detected anomalous signals that may indicate something metallic buried underground, Kim Chang-ryeol, one of the Korean investigators

High1賽次輪未完 18歲韓國業餘選手裴尹鎬領先
[臺灣新浪網] - 威爾斯福說,“這座球場很漂亮,各種天氣狀況瞬息萬變。先打完一輪是種優勢,但是相信還會有更好的成績,因為果嶺很軟,切球很能發揮優勢,成績還會更好。” 另外一名完成次輪的是與兩人同組的韓國選手金昌允(Kim Chang-yoon),他首輪77桿,次輪72桿,兩輪149桿。

Google News: High1赛次轮未完 18岁韩国业余选手裴尹镐领先

[新浪网] - 威尔斯福说,“这座球场很漂亮,各种天气状况瞬息万变。先打完一轮是种优势,但是相信还会有更好的成绩,因为果岭很软,切球很能发挥优势,成绩还会更好。” 另外一名完成次轮的是与两人同组的韩国选手金昌允(Kim Chang

Google News: 프랑스인 뒤발, 서울대 국문학과에 첫 외국인 교수로

[JoongAng Daily] - Kim Chang-sop, the dean of the department of Korean Language and Literature, speaks highly of his new colleague. “Professor Duval has a strong command of Korean,” Kim said. “But he will teach his first semester in English so he can adapt to life on a
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