Lenka Tuckova Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lenka Tuckova)


Tre ceket e humbur, dyfishohet shperblimi

Dy djem dhe nje vajze, Michal Pavelka, 23 vjec, Jan Pavelka, 22 vjec, Lenka Tuckova, 23 vjece, kane hyre me 7 gusht nga Mali i Zi, ne vendin tone dhe qe nga ajo kohe nga ta nuk ka asnje lajm. Te tre mbanin canta jeshile ne gri dhe kishin veshur kepuce lekure te forta alpine.

Albania Renews Search for Missing Students | Balkan Insight

The Albanian police made a public appeal on Friday for information regarding the disappearance on August 7, 2001, of three Czech students, who went missing...

Täglicher Nachrichtenüberblick :37 | Radio Prague...

22 Jahre alt, und ihre 22jährige Kommilitonin Lenka Tuckova die Staatsgrenze aus Montenegro in Jugoslawien nach Albanien überschritten ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Lenka Tuckova
Vorname "Lenka" (1220)
Name "Tuckova" (6)
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