Lesley Berry Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lesley Berry)


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Barbara Lesley BERRY | Daily Echo

BERRY Barbara Lesley Passed away on 11th April at Southampton General Hospital aged 79 years. Barbara will be sadly missed by all who knew her.…

Conservatives hold Inverurie and District in Aberdeenshire...

— The party's Lesley Berry triumphed. She secured 1,672 votes, ahead of Elaine Mitchell (SNP) with 1,146; Scott Bremner of the Lib Dems with 295, ... › news › uk...

Problem children soon reach an age when they are beyond help

Children with problems quickly reach a point when they cannot be helped

Dying cancer dad's Lily conceived by a 'miracle' - World News

— Proud Lesley Berry watches daughter Lily concentrating hard on the Father''s Day card she''s making. › news
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Person "Berry" (2)
Vorname "Lesley" (1468)
Name "Berry" (1419)
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