Less I. Like Person-Info 

( Ich bin Less I. Like)


(1 - 4 von 49

Less like boot camp? Connecticut mulls cop training changes | The ...

removing the boot camp mentality from police training and instead use teaching methods aimed at improving the public's trust...

India's Youth and Liberty Are Looking Less Like Advantages Over ...

market powerhouse. India's demographics and the political resilience that comes with a decentralized democracy can seem like key advantages over China's fast- aging, authoritarian society. Yet India's surging youth population ...

Single parents less like to expect kids to go to university

likely to believe that their children will go on to study at university, new research shows.

The More I Follow Jesus, the Less I Like His Teaching | HuffPost

Over the years I have been increasingly troubled by the doctrine of Hell. As my love for God and my neighbor increased, the horror at the thought of many of those I love suffering eternal punishment increased with it. In other words, this was not a crisis of faith, it was the result of my faith. The more I ...
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