Lil Ahmad Khan und Rahami Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lil Ahmad Khan)
(1 - 23 von 53
) Ahmad Khan Rahimi: Was über den Verdächtigen von New York bekannt ist...

Die US-Staatsanwaltschaft hat Anklage gegen Ahmad Khan Rahami wegen Mordversuchs erhoben: Er wird verdächtigt, die Bomben von New Jersey und New York gebaut...

Who is Ahmad Khan Rahami? - CNN
In just a few days, Ahmad Khan Rahami went from virtually unknown to a suspected serial bomber.

Wife of bombing suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami returns to U.S. -
Asia Bibi Rahami, the wife of N.Y. and N.J. bombing suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami, has voluntarily returned to the United States from the United Arab Emirates.

Details Emerge About NYC Bomb Suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami - ABC News
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