Lilli Gärtner und Mischwald Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lilli Gärtner)
(1 - 15 von 23

Lesung im Garten des Vorwerkstifts
With comics and drawings by Lilli Gärtner & Christina Gransow aka Mischwald, Jul Gordon, Till Thomas and Birgit Weyhe. Three comic artists and a drawing duo ... With comics and drawings by Lilli Gärtner & Christina Gransow aka Mischwald, Jul Gordon, Till Thomas and Birgit Weyhe. Three comic artists and a drawing duo ... — news — news. Reading in the garden of the Vorwerkstift. With comics and drawings by Lilli Gärtner & Christina Gransow aka Mischwald, Jul Gordon, Till Thomas and Birgit Weyhe : admission free. Presented by Art Off Kultursommer and Strips und Stories. Three comic artists and a drawing duo show ...