Lucian Bebchuk und Corporate Governance Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lucian Bebchuk)
(1 - 33 von 40

The corporate governance flaw at heart of investment management:...
Lousy incentives for corporate stewardship is a flaw at the heart of our system of delegated asset management.

Cash allowances for CEOs? They're not kids
CONNECTTWEET 15 LINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORE. Do CEOs need an allowance? ... "There's little economic logic for public companies to reward top executives with perks,'' says Lucian Bebchuk, director of Harvard Law School's Program on Corporate Governance. United Technologies — where ...

Federal Reserve Board - Corporate Governance and Prudential Regulation
See, for example, Lucian Bebchuk and Holger Spamann (2010), "Regulating Bankers' Pay," Georgetown Law Journal, vol. 98 (2), pp
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Vorname "Lucian" (751)
Name "Bebchuk" (1)