Mario Schelhaas und Virus Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mario Schelhaas)
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From Molecules to Man: Cell Biology of Papillomavirus EntryUniversitätsklinikum Erlangen
Mario Schelhaas. Institut für Zelluläre Virologie. Universität Münster. Zeit: Freitag, Uhr. Ort: Seminarraum des Virologischen Instituts.

Artificial ‘candy canes’ block viruses
Synthetic chains of molecules containing different sugars can inhibit viruses effectively. The extent to which such molecules could be used as antiviral drugs...

Artificial 'candy canes' to block viruses
Mario Schelhaas from the Institute of Cellular Virology working together with Prof. Dr. Nicole Snyder from Davidson College in North Carolina, ...

Glycomimetics can prevent viruses from infecting cells
Viruses are responsible for causing many different diseases, with the present coronavirus pandemic being one such example. Hence, these infectious agents are...