Marja-Liisa Luther Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marja-Liisa Luther)


"Anorektisen laiha" nukke kuohuttaa Ruotsissa
Lastentavaratalo veti nuken pois markkinoilta palauteryöpyn vuoksi. "Ser hemskt smal ut"

Marja-Liisa Luther fotograferade dockan – som hon kallar "en anorexiabarbie” – på butikskedjan Barnens hus i Umeå i söndags.

Doll 'too skinny' for shelves – The Irish Times
A SUPER-SKINNY doll on display in a chain of toy shops in Sweden has caused a storm of protest among parents worried that their…

‘Anorexia Barbie’ banned from toy shops | IceNews - Daily News
A doll that could make Barbie look fat has been removed from shops in Sweden after a Facebook storm erupted over an upset mother’s snapshot Marja-Liisa Luther, from Umea, northern Sweden, spotted the emaciated toy, which is aimed a girls between the ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Marja-Liisa Luther
Person "Luther" (17)
Vorname "Marja-Liisa" (23)
Name "Luther" (1690)
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