Martin Wiesweg und Pet Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martin Wiesweg)
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Martin Wiesweg, Senior Director PS, EPS and PET | Chemicals / IHS. HigH level expert panel DiSCUSSiOn : CHAllengeS And oPPortunItIeS For non-metAllIC ... Martin Wiesweg, Senior Director PS, EPS and PET | Chemicals / IHS. HigH level expert panel DiSCUSSiOn : CHAllengeS And oPPortunItIeS For non-metAllIC ...

Europäische Kunststoffindustrie: Aufs Beste hoffen, fürs
Webb · Der Kunststoffindustrie in Europa ''droht ein böses Erwachen'', meint Martin Wiesweg, Leiter des Bereichs für Chemikalien (PS, EPS und PET) bei IHS Markit. ''Die …

PET RECYCLING: Recycling is key focus for PET suppliers / Demand and... is a business information platform for the European plastics industry.

The European plastics industry: hoping for the best, preparing ...
The plastics industry in Europe “is facing a reckoning,” says Martin Wiesweg, director of chemicals (PS, EPS and PET) at IHS Markit. › Press