Mehdi Namdar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mehdi Namdar)


Folha Online - Ciência - Cafeína reduz fluxo sanguíneo durante...
A cafeína presente em duas xícaras de café reduz o fluxo sanguíneo durante ... autor do estudo, doutor Mehdi Namdar, explica que pessoas saudáveis praticamente ...

3rd Fabry Summer School
Mehdi Namdar. Natural History and Differential Dx Cardiology. 14:30-15:30. Alessandro Burlina. Natural History and Differential Dx Neurology (PNS).

Caffeine limits blood flow to heart muscle du | EurekAlert!
In healthy volunteers, the equivalent of two cups of coffee reduced the body's ability to boost blood flow to the heart muscle in response to exercise, and the...

Caffeine limits blood flow to heart muscle during exercise (press ...
The researchers, including lead author Mehdi Namdar, M.D., F.A.C.C., studied 18 young, healthy people who were regular coffee drinkers. The participants did not drink any coffee for 36 hours prior to the study testing. ...
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