Michael Anger Person-Info 

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Michael Anger - cio.de

CIO Netzwerk-Profil von Michael Anger

Rivals wary of dialysis giant DaVita’s aggressive business style –...

“There were numerous reasons we didn't want to continue our relationship with DaVita — one was that we didn't care for the way they cared for patients,” said Dr. Michael Anger, one of the Western Nephrology physicians. The doctors say they wanted to stay on as medical directors of the DaVita centers as ...

An den Bahnen lag’s sicher nicht - Erfolglose Aufholjagd von Lohhofs...

... zu wenig für ihre Konkurrenz. Aber jetzt schlug die Stunde ihrer Mannschaftskollegen Dane Kozic, Walter Sedlmair und Michael Anger.

Schüler des NEG gestalten Wartehallen neu - Velbert

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