Michael Peňa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Peňa)


(1 - 4 von 18

Michael Peña, Diego Luna to star in 'Narcos' Season 4 - CNN

Michael Peña and Diego Luna will star in the upcoming fourth season of "Narcos."

‘Narcos: Mexico’ star Michael Peña opens up about unfortunate death...

'Unfortunately, that person went into a really bad area by himself and started taking pictures,' Michael Peña told Global News.

Michael Pena to star in 'Dora the Explorer' live-action film - UPI.com

Michael Pena has joined the cast of Paramount's upcoming live-action adaptation of Nickelodeon cartoon

Michael Peña leaps onto the A-list - The Globe and Mail

With more than a decade of film and TV credits to his name, the U.S. actor now has his biggest part yet, opposite Jake Gyllenhaal in the action movie End of...
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