Minako Seki und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Minako Seki)
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Antic Teatre — Minako Seki / Commedia Futura – Human Form ...

La coreògrafa i ballarina germano-japonesa Minako Seki continua la sèrie Human Form amb una proposta que ultrapassa els límits de les formes humanes. Amb la referència a figuracions possibles en forma de nines, robots, cadàvers, fantasmes o esperits, Seki incorpora totes les potencialitats del desdoblament corporal amb titelles a escala real. On hi ha el límit entre l'home i l'animal ...

Ensemble Archive - Unidram

Minako Seki, born near Nagasaki, has been living in Berlin since 1986, with the occasional interruption. The dancer and choreographer produces and instructs both at home and overseas and is, among other things, the co-founder of the first Japanese-German Butoh ensemble, tatoeba, which was …

Ensemble Archive - Unidram

Minako Seki – Berlin/Germany. Figura Umana agar – Turin/Italiy. Judasze (Peepholes) Teatr Strefa Ciszy – Poznan/Poland. Perhaps the Slope of Night Persists Cantadoras – Essen/Germany. Plug i Play AXE – St Petersburg/Russia. Rough ride or Of the spirit ...