Mohamed Mahmoud Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohamed Mahmoud)


(1 - 4 von 269
) Salafist Organization Banned in Germany

[Spiegel Online] - Millatu Ibrahim, the group that was banned on Thursday, is led by Mohamed Mahmoud, an Austrian who had lived in Germany since before leaving the country for Egypt in recent weeks. Domestic intelligence officials believe Mahmoud is a key figure in

Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud Abo EL-NASRBundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung
Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud Abo EL-NASR. Titel, Minister of Education. Funktion, Minister/in. Status, nicht aktiv. Funktionsdauer. Telefon. Fax. E-Mail. Homepage. Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud Abo EL-NASR. Titel, Minister of Education. Funktion, Minister/in. Status, nicht aktiv. Funktionsdauer. Telefon. Fax. E-Mail. Homepage.

Mohamed MahmoudTennessee Tech University
Mohamed Mahmoud, associate professor in the electrical and computer engineering department, won the Caplenor award for his research involving cybersecurity. His ... Mohamed Mahmoud, associate professor in the electrical and computer engineering department, won the Caplenor award for his research involving cybersecurity. His ...

"Wahrer Islam" in Ägypten: Islamisten reisen aus -
Polizei und Geheimdienste beobachten intensiv die islamistische Szene in Deutschland. Nach dem Verbot des Netzwerks Millatu-Ibrahim verlassen vor allem viele...
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