Muhammad Khan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Muhammad Khan)


(1 - 4 von 47
) Pakistan: Gericht verurteilt US-Drohnenangriffe als Kriegsverbrechen

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - In einem spektakulären Urteil hat ein Gericht in Peschawar die Drohnenangriffe der USA in den pakistanischen Stammesgebieten als Kriegsverbrechen bezeichnet. Die Richter fordern ein Uno-Tribunal und Entschädigung von Washington. Geklagt hatten Opfer der Luftschläge. 

Muhammad Khan appears in court over queen's coffin incident in...
20. Sept · The live feed of the queen lying in state briefly cut away after Muhammad Khan allegedly left the queue in Westminster Hall on Friday night. Police arrested Mr Khan and he appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, charged with two counts under the Public Order Act.

Muhammad Khan, PhD receives the AHA CDA ...School of Medicine | University of Utah
— Learn more about Muhammad Khan, PhD, who just received a significant $ grant from the American Heart Association for his innovative — Learn more about Muhammad Khan, PhD, who just received a significant $ grant from the American Heart Association for his innovative ...

Ustad Irfan Muhammad Khan in ConcertThe UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music
— Irfan Muhammad Khan is the presiding chief of the Lucknow-Shahjahanpur Gharana, a lineage of sarod and sitar players traceable to the nineteenth — Irfan Muhammad Khan is the presiding chief of the Lucknow-Shahjahanpur Gharana, a lineage of sarod and sitar players traceable to the nineteenth ...
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