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(1 - 4 von 17
) Sprachkolumne: Die schönsten Denglisch-Kapriolen - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Wenn Deutsche Englisch sprechen, neigen sie zu hübschen Kapriolen. Was macht die Kanzlerin auf dem Tisch? Wie viele Swingerclubs hat Berlin? Und wie groß ist...

Mary McCartney's At My Table: Victoria Stewart trials a vegetarian...
This weekend I decided to test out Mary McCartney’s new cookbook - McCartney being the talented photographer daughter of Paul and Linda, and sister of the...

What is the best time to study? - Magazines - DAWN.COM
Once I spent more hours on my study table trying not to sleep than studying. And this was because I had been trying to study while my ...

Guardian: Jane Campion recalls her encounters with Janet Frame | Books | The...

Director Jane Campion, who brought the harrowing true story of An Angel at My Table to the screen, recalls her encounters with the reclusive author
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