Nisarg Raval Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nisarg Raval)


ACM TechNews
View Full Article | Return to Headlines | Share Facebook · LinkedIn fast to detect by our system," notes fellow graduate student Nisarg Raval.

Video privacy software lets you select what others can see |...
Camera-equipped smartphones, laptops and other devices make it possible to share ideas and images with anyone, anywhere, often in real-time. But in our...

Video privacy software lets you select what others can see
More information: "What You Mark is What Apps See," Nisarg Raval, Animesh Srivastava, Ali Razeen, Kiron Lebeck, Ashwin Machanavajjhala and Landon Cox. MobiSys'16, June , 2016, Singapore. DOI: Provided by: Duke University · search and more info · website.
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Vorname "Nisarg" (12)
Name "Raval" (75)
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