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(1 - 4 von 44
) Leaving Jihad behind

[] Blanca. Heavy winds from off the sea blow and shake the palm trees. Abu Adam has rented a big house here because some of his children currently attend a international school nearby where they learn Spanish and English. He puts up Peter in an apartment a … Schwimmende Ölwetten

[] Daily Mail : Sharks off the British coast: Oil tankers refuse to unload until prices rise (frei übersetzt: Spekulanten vor der britischen Küste: Öltanker werden erst entladen, wenn die Preise steigen). … How the virus came into this world

[] the next day soldiers sealed off the quarter. Now no one is allowed to leave their homes for three weeks. The virus is holding two dozen people hostage. Shernor Barrie wonders if this thing is lurking in his body too, this thing whose name he does … No Exceptions

[] it appears, the world has gone off the rails. Our country …
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