Oliver Lambertz und Recycling Person-Info 

( Ich bin Oliver Lambertz)
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Swedish plant expansion includes 60 sorting machines ...Recycling Product News

— ... Oliver Lambertz, vice president and head of operations and feedstock sourcing at TOMRA Feedstock. "Our partner, Sutco, took the lead in — ... Oliver Lambertz, vice president and head of operations and feedstock sourcing at TOMRA Feedstock. "Our partner, Sutco, took the lead in ...

The fully automated waste sorting plant Roaf maximizes ...Plastech Vortal

— As results have shown, everything paid off.” Oliver Lambertz, VP and Head of Business Development at Tomra Recycling adds: “I am — As results have shown, everything paid off.” Oliver Lambertz, VP and Head of Business Development at Tomra Recycling adds: “I am ...

Three partners changing the narrative in plastic recycling at ...TOMRA

— With Site Zero, the company's goal is to enable zero waste, zero downcycling, and zero emissions. ​​Oliver Lambertz, VP and Head of Operations — With Site Zero, the company's goal is to enable zero waste, zero downcycling, and zero emissions. ​​Oliver Lambertz, VP and Head of Operations ...

Tomra supplies Swedish plastics facilityRecycling Today

— Oliver Lambertz, a vice president with Tomra, says, “We have accompanied Svensk Plaståtervinning right from the start and have always been — Oliver Lambertz, a vice president with Tomra, says, “We have accompanied Svensk Plaståtervinning right from the start and have always been ...