Patrick Michaels und Climate Person-Info 

( Ich bin Patrick Michaels)
(1 - 35 von 78
) Climategate: Alles über den Skandal in der Klimaforschung

Web3 de may. de · Mann entdeckte, dass ein Herausgeber einst an derselben Universität wie der gefürchtete Klimaskeptiker Patrick Michaels arbeitete - und stellte eine … The Climategate Chronicle: How the Science of Global Warming Was...

To what extent is climate change actually occuring? Late last year, climate researchers were accused of exaggerating study results. SPIEGEL ONLINE has since...

Dr. Patrick Michaels on the truth about global warming | Fox News
· Dr. Patrick Michaels, director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute, provides insight into the debate over climate change ...

Guardian: Climate scientists blow hot and cold | Patrick Michaels | The Guardian

Patrick Michaels: Antarctic warming isn't evidence of climate change – despite what scientists would have us believe