Paul Dolan und Economics Person-Info 

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Google News: Zelená - kľúč k budúcemu firemnému úspechu

[] - Paul Dolan, profesor z London School of Economics, ako príklad uviedol firmu Apple pod vedením Steva Jobsa. „Predajne Apple sú tlmene osvetlené, podobne ako v kostoloch a keď Jobs hovorí je to ako počúvať mesiáša.“ „Ak mi Jobs povie, že potrebujem iPad

Green is the colour of success
[Environmental Expert (press release)] - 'Apple stores are dimly lit, like churches, and when Jobs speaks it's like listening to the messiah,' said Paul Dolan, a professor at the London School of Economics 'If Jobs tells me I need an iPad, then I need an iPad!' he added.

Google News: Brand di sucesso sempre più green: ma occhio alle etichette

[ (Blog)] - Spiega Paul Dolan, professore alla London School of Economics: Il successo di Apple con Steve Jobs è stato individuato come esempio: i negozi Apple sono scarsamente illuminati, come le chiese e quando Jobs parla è come ascoltare il messia.

Happiness by Design: Finding Pleasure and Purpose in Everyday Life by...
PAUL DOLAN, a renowned behavioural scientist, a professor at the London School of Economics and a happiness expert, has a friend who ...