Peace Letter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Peace Letter)


(1 - 4 von 25
) Open Letter: Former Peace Negotiators Call for End to Hamas Boycott -...

In an open letter obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE, 14 former peace negotiators call on the Mideast Quartet to include Hamas in talks. The signatories include former...

EU plays a key role in keeping the peace (letter) | York Press
keeping the peace (Letters, April 10).

Robert the Bruce begged English for peace, letter shows
Robert the Bruce begged the English for peace four years before he routed them at the Battle of Bannockburn, a newly-discovered letter from the Scottish king...

The World Today - Local Governments' peace letter angers Heffernan
An anti-war letter by the Local Government Association has prompted Coalition accusations of treachery with Liberal Senator Bill Heffernan describing the...
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