Prim Singh und Dolly Person-Info 

( Ich bin Prim Singh)
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Taz: Gesucht wird der wahre Dolly-Schöpfer -

WebDer ehemalige Rosslin-Forscher Prim Singh hatte Wilmut beschuldigt, er hätte ihn aus dem Institut aufgrund von Rassenvorurteilen vertrieben. Zudem hätte sich Wilmut seine …

Dolly creator bullied me, says race claim scientistThe Times
AP — Prim Singh, 45, a molecular biologist, claims that he was forced out of his £40,000-a-year job as the head of nuclear reprogramming at the AP — Prim Singh, 45, a molecular biologist, claims that he was forced out of his £40,000-a-year job as the head of nuclear reprogramming at the ...

Guardian: Dolly the sheep creator found not to discriminate | RaceThe Guardian

AP — But although a tribunal rejected Prim Singh's claims that he had been victimised by Ian Wilmut, it found Dr Singh had been unfairly AP — But although a tribunal rejected Prim Singh's claims that he had been victimised by Ian Wilmut, it found Dr Singh had been unfairly ...

I didn't clone Dolly the sheep, says profThe Telegraph
AP — Dr Prim Singh, 45, a molecular biologist, claims that Prof Wilmut tried to steal his ideas - on work not related to Dolly - and bullied him AP — Dr Prim Singh, 45, a molecular biologist, claims that Prof Wilmut tried to steal his ideas - on work not related to Dolly - and bullied him ...