Ray Brown und Hiv Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ray Brown)
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Editorial: The AIDS fight continues

[The Desert Sun] - There was excitement recently about Timothy Ray Brown, a carrier of HIV with leukemia who was reportedly cured through a blood stem cell transplant. That gives us hope, but it was a radical and rare procedure. Truth is, a cure for AIDS remains a

Google News: Timothy Ray Brown: il primo uomo che ha sconfitto l'HIV

[YourSelf.it] - Timothy Ray Brown è un uomo americano di 45 anni, originario di San Francisco, che ha scoperto di aver contratto il virus dell'HIV quasi 16 anni fa e in base alle ultime analisi, sembra essere completamente guarito. I medici che lo hanno tenuto in cura


[自由時報] - 媒體報導,45歲的美國男子布朗(Timothy Ray Brown),2007年於德國柏林接受骨髓幹細胞移植手術,術後布朗體內的HIV病毒、即愛滋病病毒,目前全部消失,為全球首例愛滋病痊癒的紀錄。 45歲的布朗是在西元1995年確定罹患愛滋病,布朗除了罹患愛滋病外,還是一名白血病

Doctors claim to have "functional cure" for HIV

[CBS News] - Timothy Ray Brown, the first man to have received a "functional cure" for HIV. (CBS News) Thirty years ago from Sunday, the Centers for Disease Control issued the first report on the emerging AIDS epidemic. Now, after years of progress in holding back