Rebecca Boehling und Its Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rebecca Boehling)
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) Reorganizing a Vast Archive Holocaust Tracing Service Still Reuniting Families

[Spiegel Online] - Blondel, a Red Cross executive, will be succeeded by Professor Rebecca Boehling, an American expert on the Holocaust and World War II at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. The Red Cross will continue to help the ITS with tracing requests, and

US university professor to head Holocaust archive | Fox News
The ITS said Wednesday its 11-member international commission had voted to name Rebecca Boehling, a professor at the University of ...

Professor Dr. Rebecca Boehling kehrt an die University of Maryland › belgien-erhaelt-digitale-kopie-der-its-dokumente
· Rebecca Boehling, Direktorin des International Tracing Service (ITS), kehrt zum 1. Januar als Professorin in den Fachbereichen Geschichte, ...

Geschichte - Suchdienst-Direktorin geht zurück in die USA – op › Mehr › Hessen
· Nach drei Jahren verlässt Rebecca Boehling den Internationalen Suchdienst (​ITS) in Bad Arolsen. Sie kehre wie geplant zum 1. Januar