Roberto Turchetto und Vilamoura Person-Info 

( Ich bin Roberto Turchetto)
(1 - 10 von 10

Roberto Turchetto takes the lead in CSI3* 1m45 Vilamoura - Equnews...
The CSI3* 1m45 Competition in Vilamoura just fell prey to Roberto Turchetto. Aboard the KWPN Adare (...

Roberto Turchetto claims only clear round in jump-off Grand Prix of...
The CSI3* Grand Prix of Vilamoura is for Italy's Roberto Turchetto and the KWPN Baron (by Colma...

Stefanie van den Brink springt naar top vijf klassering in CSI3*...
In Vilamoura werd deze namiddag een 1m40 rubriek van de CSI3* competitie gereden. De winst ging naar...
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Person "Turchetto" (1)
Vorname "Roberto" (10520)
Name "Turchetto" (14)