Romy Roeder Person-Info 

( Ich bin Romy Roeder)


Challenging our wasteful ways through art | Blue Mountains Gazette |...
It's an unusual proposition. Turning a stack of old dictionary pages into, potentially, a wearable, albeit very slender...

Waste to Art exhibitionBlue Mountains Gazette
— Reuse, recycle: Detail from Romy Roeder's Once Upon an Attic. Waste to Art is ...

Ute E. Jones -
Ute Jones, who was born in Germany, passed away Feb. 29 at her home in Spruce Creek Preserve.

Talent on display at Springwood Art Show | Blue Mountains Gazette |...
The crowd was slightly down on last year's opening night, but the three-day Springwood Art Show kicked off in style on Friday with music by The Cassettes, fine...
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