Sören Tempel Person-Info 

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4th Workshop on RISC-V Activities - Programm | edacentrum

Sören Tempel (University of Bremen, D) Vladimir Herdt (University of Bremen / DFKI, D) Rolf Drechsler (University of Bremen / DFKI, D) In this presentation we show an effective methodology for verification of RISC-V embedded software by integrating concolic testing with SystemC-based virtual prototypes. The integration involves extending the ...

Alpine Linux released - Linux Compatible

Mar 26, · Sören Tempel (1): community/go: fix test suite on Alpine CI TBK (1): main/redis: security upgrade to Thomas Liske (3): community/ifstate: upgrade to community/ifstate: upgrade to main/libseccomp: enable python bindings omni (1): main/mbedtls: security upgrade to Alpine released | Alpine Linux

Alpine Linux released

A new version of Alpine Linux, a lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and busybox, has been released. Alpine releasedThe Alpine Linux...

Wer innig liebt, der bleibt zusammen - WELT

Was ist eine Ehe heute noch wert? Zu Besuch bei einem Münchner Scheidungsanwalt für Prominente und einem Berliner Ehepaar, das seit 65 Jahren glücklich...
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