Kim Søgaard Offer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kim Søgaard Offer)


Kim offer to meet proves Trump right to stand firm in Asia
Here’s an exquisite potential irony for you: The most bellicose president of modern...

Lookalike Trump, Obama, Kim offer comic relief in Hong Kong | Reuters
At a time of political tensions over U.S. air strikes in Syria and sabre-rattling by North Korea, impersonators of President Donald Trump, his predecessor...

Stanislas Kim - Cellist | Press
„Marvelous soloists“. „the pure and delicate expressiveness of tone that Marie Günter and Stanislas Kim offer, is immense“. Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung.

Protesters accept offer from Kim; access road will be cleared -...
... the Tribune-Herald that kupuna, or elders, received Kim's offer in writing earlier today and deliberated for hours about whether to accept it.
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