Sara Azzali und Institut Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sara Azzali)
(1 - 17 von 21

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
(Join work with Sara Azzali, Alessandra Frabetti and Sylvie Paycha). conference Berlin-Leipzig workshop in analysis and stochastics · MPI ...

Erwin Schrödinger Institute
— In a work in progress with Sara Azzali, Youness Boutaib and Sylvie Paycha, we consider jets of sections of a vector bundle and interpretate ...

Large time limit of the heat operator for families of cocompact › event
par Sara Azzali (IFM, Potsdam). vendredi 9 sept , 14:00 → 15:00 Europe/Paris. Fokko du Cloux (Institut Camille Jordan) ...