Sarah Brooks Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sarah Brooks)


(1 - 4 von 22
) Nach Radioaufruf: Partycrasher legen Haus in Trümmer - DER SPIEGEL

Sarah Brooks wollte ihren 18. Geburtstag mit einer Feier im Freundeskreis begehen. Doch dann kam jemand auf die Idee, die Partylocation übers Radio...

Sarah Brooks makes handmade floral cushions › 1...
Sarah Brooks started selling her work when she was a student at the University of Bath. Since she finished university, Sarah has been training ...

Kruger National Park elephant attack: Sarah Brooks discharged from...
A British teacher is discharged from hospital after being treated for injuries from an elephant attack.

British teacher gored by elephant on South African safari
Sarah Brooks, 30, of Spalding, Lincolnshire, was gored through the back of her thigh by the animal after it used its tusks to flip over her car
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