Sergio Palleroni und Public Interest Design Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sergio Palleroni)
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Brown Bag #2 - Sergio Palleroni - Habitat Unit
Sergio Palleroni Sharing Good Design as Means to Creating a Movement. In recent years with the tremendous growth of interest and involvement in what is now being termed "public interest design", there has been concurrent discussion emerging of how we set guidelines and metrics that can guarantee that the needs of clients are being truly met.

STUDIO CHAMANGA – Research Design Build - Hans Sauer Stiftung
Das Projekt wurde in Kooperation mit dem „Center for Public Interest Design“ der Portland State University unter der Leitung von Sergio Palleroni sowie der Tokyo University und dem Architekturkollektiv Atarraya aus Quito realisiert. Bauherr ist die Kulturorganisation „Opción Más“ in Chamanga, Ecuador.

Design Conference Tackles Architecture’s Role in Humanitarian...
Sergio Palleroni, professor and director of the Center for Public Interest Design at Portland State University, showed off the Partners On ...

How a Portland-Wide Collaboration Helped Shelter Homeless Women |...
Pods from PSU’s Center for Public Interest Design might be tiny, but the idea’s big.