Sigrid Erbe-Sporer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sigrid Erbe-Sporer)


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142ND Convention - Berlin, GermanyAudio Engineering Society
Sigrid Erbe-Sporer before the concert. In his paper presentation Richard. King asks whether we can tell the difference between real and artificial ambience ... Sigrid Erbe-Sporer before the concert. In his paper presentation Richard. King asks whether we can tell the difference between real and artificial ambience ...

AES Press Release: AES Berlin 2017Audio Engineering Society
... pipe organs, played by organists Francis Rumsey, chair of the AES Technical Council, and Sigrid Erbe-Sporer, wife of the convention's papers co-chair, pipe organs, played by organists Francis Rumsey, chair of the AES Technical Council, and Sigrid Erbe-Sporer, wife of the convention's papers co-chair,...

Bildungszentrum Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme Für das ...Bildungszentrum Nürnberg
Sigrid Erbe-Sporer , KI-gestützte Digitale. Medizin. Prof. Dr. Andrius. Patapovas , Caspar ... Sigrid Erbe-Sporer , KI-gestützte Digitale. Medizin. Prof. Dr. Andrius. Patapovas , Caspar ...

Fortbildung zum Weltgebetstag per VideokonferenzEvangelisches Bildungswerk Fürth
Sigrid Erbe-Sporer röm.kath. Andrea Kotva Frohmader Vroni, pädagogische Referentin, Geschäftsführung ebw Fürth. Ort, Digitale Fortbildung per Zoom ... Sigrid Erbe-Sporer röm.kath. Andrea Kotva Frohmader Vroni, pädagogische Referentin, Geschäftsführung ebw Fürth. Ort, Digitale Fortbildung per Zoom ...
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