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HYIPData. Provides some Background Information for Newbie on what is HYIP
[openPR (press release)] - (openPR) - January – HYIP, which is short for High Yield Investment Program, is exactly what it sounds like – it is a program offering high yield investment to all those individuals involved. Not relatively new to the internet, it is one of the

- Ein Leben mit den Stars
[Frankfurter Rundschau] - Gelegenheit dazu hat das Publikum wieder beim Auftritt der fünfköpfigen Wiesbadener Vocal-Band Sounds Like am 7. März. Ihr Repertoire reicht von schmachtenden Harmonien bis zu tanzbaren Beats. Am 2. Mai präsentiert Claudia Carbo Swingklänge der

Strolling Berlin's Gaza Strip
[Deutsche Welle] - The woman at Al Jazeera also says she mixes with Turks and Germans, among others, not just Lebanese. Sounds like a milieu, not exactly the controversial picture of a parallel society suggested by politician and author Thilo Sarrazin. Or is it?

Nokia faces low cost Mango phone from ZTE
[GoMo News] - Sounds like more W7 Mango handsets are in the pipeline, then. Crucially, Wu Sa, director of mobile device operations at ZTE UK, observed that, “Our first own-brand handset to enter the market in is the ZTE Tania.” Not Android but W7 Mango.
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