Stephen Reid und Community Manager Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stephen Reid)
(1 - 7 von 13

Catching Up With Star Wars: The Old Republic
[] - Finally, points us back to the official site of Star Wars: The Old Republic, more specifically the forums at, where community manager Stephen Reid discusses territory issues and the fact that the game won't be region locked.

Star Wars: The Old Republic won't be region locked
[] - Star Wars: The Old Republic will not be region locked, according to BioWare's senior online community manager Stephen Reid. On the official Star Wars: The Old Republic forums, Reid wrote: "There are no plans to 'region lock' or 'IP block' players from

L'Europe a trouvé son Community Manager
[Mondes Persistants] - Étant basé dans les bureaux irlandais de Bioware, je travaillerai directement avec Stephen Reid et le reste de l'équipe communautaire en bénéficiant de l'avantage d'être au centre de l'action (d'ailleurs, au moment ou j'écris ces mots, je suis dans le

SDCC: Coverage Of SW: The Old Republic
[] - Thursday, July 22nd featured the TOR panel with game director James Ohlen, executive producer Rich Vogel, and community manager Stephen Reid. Dallas Dickinson, TOR's senior content producer, was the moderator. Here are cliff notes from the panel and