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(1 - 4 von 26
) Did Uncle Sam buy off the Maidan?

[] at this point that a large sum of money and a telephone call become part of the story. Victoria Nuland, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, spoke of $5 billion, or €4.5 billion, for Ukraine in a call to the … Gently but Firmly

[] highlight more than just the sum of the problems which we are currently dealing with; they are in fact covering up the birth pains … Woher kommt die Liquidität

[] has been defined bas the sum of narrow money created by central banks and international reserves within advanced economies. Such a monetary liquidity measure is, however, less suitable today owing to global financial integration … "Let us continue the journey"

[] research and to increase the sum of human knowledge. Shuttle crews, and the scientists …
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Phil Collins
Vorname "Sum" (71)
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