Name-Verzeichnis - Name / Person-Info zu "Sunder Plassmann"

Infos zu "Sunder Plassmann"

Zu Sunder Plassmann gibt es bei Yasni 15 unterschiedliche Namen.

Sunder Plassmann ist in der Rangreihe der häufigsten Nachnamen bei Yasni auf Platz 2413.

Bedeutung von "Sunder"

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Bedeutung von "Plassmann"

Norwegian: A man who comes from a specific "space" or location, where that location is referred to by the local population by using the generic word for space, "plass". Also: A man who farms a small plot of land owned by another person ("where "plass" refers generically to a small piece of farm land that belongs to a larger estate and that is leased out by the owner to another man to farm).

(Eingesendet von Charles Plassmann)

Wichtige Personen: Heute - Übersicht / Namen: Heute - Übersicht